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Music Equipment


The Musago Academy aims to provide a child-safe working environment where children and young people are protected, feel safe and have their voices heard about decisions that affect their lives. We understand the responsibility we have in ensuring the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people.


The Musago Academy is committed to ensuring we operate in accordance with the Child and Youth Safety Standards (Tas.), and the Child Safety And Wellbeing Framework. We reinforce this commitment through operating under the following principles: 


  • Acknowledging that all children and young people are valued

  • Treating all children and young people respectfully, fairly and with dignity

  • Acknowledging diversity in ethnicity, culture, sex, gender, social, economic, religion and ability and ensuring we are inclusive of all

  • Ensuring children and young people are listened to and any concerns that they or their families raise are acted upon

  • Ensuring that children and young people involved in activities and programs of Musago know what they can do if they feel unsafe.


Musago is responsible for ensuring we are compliant with the Reportable Conduct Scheme. This means we are obliged to report concerns we may have about conduct related to child safety.


Musago ensures all our staff have undergone the correct screening and safeguarding processes in order to safely work with children and young people. We ensure we are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing learning and seeking out information and updates. 

All staff at Musago have Working with Vulnerable People checks in place. 


Given that frequently asked questions are often related to our policy, we've put them all together here. If you still have questions after reading this, please contact us.

Working with Vulnerable People: Zac has a current WWVP registration, and participates in required training as necessary. Any other staff who join the academy will be required to do the same.

What sort of guitar do I need? 

A comfortable one! Generally, people begin on a nylon string guitar because the strings are easy to press down and they are cheaper to buy. Acoustic or electric are fine too, if you already have one. If you are just starting, we recommend a nylon string guitar in a size that suits you. Available in full size, 3/4 size, and 1/2 size. Your guitar needs will change as you advance. We’ll guide you.

What if I can’t make it to a lesson?

Sometimes life happens. You get sick, the car won’t start, the sheep have escaped the paddock...
We get it. We make lesson content available to you through our student portal so you can keep up with the class, in the event you can’t make it. We do not offer catch-up lessons. We carefully structure classes so if a lesson is missed, there will be some revision the following week.

What happens if the teacher is sick?

It turns out that teachers are humans too...
On the rare occasion that a teacher cannot make a lesson, we will communicate with you ASAP and release the lesson notes for that week, along with any relevant videos, or additional instructions from your teacher.
Again, part of the reason we offer the student portal is to compensate you in rare events such as this.

What’s the deal with sickness?

Sickness is unplanned and inconvenient. We understand.
For the safety of others in the class, please stay home if you are sick. If you are on the tail end of a cold and are not contagious, you may attend class, but we would ask that you consider wearing a mask. This applies to our teachers as well.

How does the billing work?

If you are in an INTRO class we will invoice you up front. 


If you choose to continue with us after the intro period we will invite you to our Academy membership, which includes the lessons, portal access, theory access, free / discounted workshop entry and more. 


Our membership is a simple monthly payment that can be set up through our payment gateway. See here for more information:


 We calculate the annual fees and divide them by 12 months so you get a predictable and smaller bill rather than 4 larger ones.


We run a rolling enrollment model, which means we assume you are continuing with us until you notify us that you wish to discontinue lessons.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please give us as much notice as possible. Ideally, we ask students to continue to the end of the current term.
The Musago Academy also reserves the right stop teaching a student if they are consistently behind in payment or are disruptive and uncooperative. We do not offer refunds once lessons have commenced. Should you wish to cancel, we will cease invoicing you from the following month.

How much practise should I do?

15mins a day would be amazing if you are just starting off, but it’s totally ok if you practise more or if you miss a day. This should be fun, not a guilt trip. Just remember: the more you play - the quicker you improve!

Do you provide anything to help me practise?

Yes. You will be given clear instructions at the lesson, as well as the lesson material and access to our student portal. We can also give you tips on how to practise effectively.

Can I rent/buy a guitar here?

Yes indeed. Part of our enrolment process will cover this with you.

Will my classes always be with the same people?

We aim to reconfigure classes as little as possible, however there are occasions when classes need to be tweaked. Some reasons for this are if class mates advance to a new class, or stop attending the academy.

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